Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lady Gaga's "Edge of Glory" is a winner.

I admit it. I am a fan of Lady Gaga. Ok, so I am not one of her "little monsters", as she calls her fans, nor am I gay(not that there's anything wrong with that). However, after about four or five listens to her new album "Born This Way", it has become quite clear to me that her best song on the disc sits at the end.
When I first heard "Edge of Glory I was struck by how over the top it seemed and reeked of 80's pretentiousness, but I realize that's just why it's so darn good. Her album is chock full of songs that could be hits in each of the last four decades, and "Edge of Glory" has a beautiful melody and memorable hooks that make it a timeless piece of work.
I am a sucker for her interjections and stuttering nonsense that stick in your head and has become her trademark. You won't find any nonsense in this song but you will discover a seriousness that she employs and succeeds with a straight-forward approach apparent here: There aint no reason you and me should be alone. And then comes the cherry on top: ...toniiiiight yeah baby, toniiiiight yeah baby. Then the rest is...let's just say glorious.
As I write this review, I have already heard the song featured as theme music at sporting events and television shows, which have obvious drawbacks, but this gem will be heard on the radio and various other mediums for years to come.
We just better get used to it. I already have.

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